
Chapter XXIV

Cold hands grabbed at my throat, dragging me up through the icy snow. I dug my feet into the snow and clawed at his hand. His foot caught me in my ribs, and I felt something snap. Boreas released my throat and yanked me to my feet by my hair. His lewd gaze took in my struggling form, and he smiled.
No. Not happening. My wordless howl erupted through the clearing. The scream unleashed something deep within me, and I felt the power I’d been holding at bay explode through my body. What did it matter if it burned through me? Melissa was dead, and anything would be better than what Boreas had planned for me.
A bright flash filled the clearing, and for a split second every detail in the clearing stood in stark relief against the light. Boreas howled and dropped me. My feet hit the ground and the snow melted beneath my feet, giving way to newborn grass.
I looked at Boreas and narrowed my eyes. Vines shot through him, growing from within his struggling body, holding him aloft in the air.
“What are you doing here?” Thanatos asked behind me. “Hades is going to—”
“You can’t take her.” My voice was so feral I didn’t recognize it. I met his eyes and saw his pupils widen.
I drew back in surprise. I wasn’t supposed to be able to charm gods!
“My lady,” he gasped. “I have no desire to offend you, but a soul was lost here today and a soul must be collected.”
“Any soul?”
He hesitated, and I stepped aside. Thanatos drew in a sharp breath at the sight of Boreas. The vines looped around his body, squeezing and tightening their grasp. Boreas made choking sounds as the vines crept out of his mouth, working their way out of his throat.
I met Boreas’ eyes and watched his pupils widen. When I was sure he was charmed, I commanded, “Speak.”
The vines shot out of his mouth and loosened from around his neck. Drops of frozen blood soaked into the grass beneath him.
“I am sorry,” he breathed, entranced, “to have angered you. I will do anything to make it up to you.”
“Why me?”
“You’re beautiful and strong and—”
“Why did you come after me!” I demanded.
“I would have chosen you amongst thousands of others. All others pale in comparison to you—” I narrowed my eyes at him, and he swallowed hard. “I was asked to retrieve you by my master.”
“Who is your master?”
“Long has he been in hiding, building his strength. When he discovered he still had a daughter in the mortal realm, he instructed me to—”
My head whipped forward in surprise. “What?”
“Zeus lives.” He gasped as the vines tightened around him in response to my surprise. “I will tell you anything you wish. I will do anything.”
I didn’t want anything from him. I wanted Melissa back. Tears pricked my eyes and I spoke without thinking. “I wish you were dead.”
Boreas disintegrated into snow and ice.
I blinked. Gods weren’t supposed to be able to die either. What was going on?
Doesn’t matter; you have a soul now. Maybe you can still save Melissa.
“There’s your soul,” I told Thanatos, like he had a choice in the matter. I wasn’t sure if this was possible, but it was worth a shot. “Melissa stays.”
“Yes, my lady,” he said reverently. He stared at me, and I shifted uncomfortably. Thanatos was a friend. Manipulating him like this was wrong.
“Go get Cassandra. She’s at the entrance to the Underworld. Return her safely to the palace. Only then may you tell Hades where I am.”
He vanished, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
Melissa stirred. I knelt beside her and placed my hand on the icicle, watching it melt away. Her flesh knit itself back together. My head was buzzing, the flesh on my hands tingling uncomfortably. I released a final surge of power, shattering the ice wall.
The world spun around me. Dimly I heard footsteps crunching in the snow. My mother’s voice. Strong arms wrapped around me and Hades whispered in my ear before I fell into a blissful slumber.

Kaitlin Bevis's books